Monday, June 11, 2012

Staying Busy

Life is sure busy with a little 9 1/2 month old. She is on the go! Cory and I always joke that we didn't really take advantage of the 'non-mobile' stage. Once she started moving - we figured that we could keep her confined in the living room because it is a step-down. That took about a weekend for her to master crawling up the step to wherever we are!
Mari continues to love doing her 'inch worm crawl' to get to wherever she wants to go. However she is also figuring out how to crawl on her knees, and loves pulling herself up and standing next to things. However, when she stands, she gets super excited and doesn't realize that she needs to hold on - thus resulting in a puffy and bleeding lip on Saturday. Let's hope that was the only time for a while that involved blood!

So here are some pics of us doing 'daily life'.

Mari loves books. She loves being read to, and she loves reading them herself.

We wanted to clean the garage one night so moved her johhny-jump-up outside.
Mari was one happy little jumping bean.
Showing off our skills at standing up by the window.

She loves riding around in the ranger, which works out well for watering plants, picking up sticks,
or just driving around for entertainment. Gotta keep her safe tho!

Our favorite spot to crawl into - our 2 endtables!

No rest for Mari - Daddy even makes her help put her toys together!

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